June 28 - July 2, 2024

2024 ITN&T

Urgench city, Uzbekistan
Current problems and solutions of telecommunication systems and networks
Physical Sciences, Electronics and Optoelectronics
IoT technologies, robotics, automation, big data and machine learning technologies for their processing.
Software engineering and cyber-physical systems
Modern problems and solutions for ensuring information security
Information systems and digital solutions in education

2024 4th INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, NETWORKS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS International Scientific and Technical Symposium (ITN&T-2024will serve as a meeting ground for minds ranging from young researchers and PhD students to established candidates of sciences, professors, and academicians

International Symposium will take place as a hybrid event in the frame of 2024 IEEE EDM 2024 IEEE 25th International Conference of Young Professionals in Electron Devices and Materials (EDM).


Conference Fees

Non-IEEE Member
IEEE Member
Second paper submission (only if the same speaker)

Taxes are included. Conference fee does not include accommodation and meals.

The fees should be paid AFTER notification of full paper acceptance. 
